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(ideological separation theory) 02023

Ozone Bhaguan


ozone designs, LLC

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 emergent reality network


Pseudo-isms and the theory of separation of ideology an overview outline


Pseudo-Philosophy vs pseudo-science

Political-Philosophy vs political-science

theoretical-Philosophy vs political-theory


a general inquiry in an attempt to  map out the dis-ambugation  similarities and distinctions between these terms,that are historically confused and used synonymously.



seed phrase:





Main premise (ideological separation theory)


pro - As, meta-physics; it-IS a philosophy.

claim - meta-physics is-NOT science.

con - As critics claim, meta-physics is: "a pseudo-science".

comparative logic - In the same way, this claim stands to reason, that: 


pro - As, political-theory; it-IS a science.

claim - political-theory is-NOT philosophy.

con - As critics claim, political-theory is: "a pseudo-philosophy".


What is political philosophy? wiki-link

What is Pseudo-philosophy? wiki-link

What is political science? wiki-link

What is Psuedo-science? wiki-link 


What is political theory? - wiki-link - undefined 

What is philosophical theory - wiki-link - undefined

main contention - (ideological separation theory)

 confusion of actions -


philosophy as a noun - talking about the quality or quantity of a topic as an object, subject. (pseudo)

philosophy as a verb - performing any standard action or method of examination of the topic (actual).


see also - theory vs practice


reference - web-link - what are characteristics of pseudo-science?


Excerpt -




  1. Is unfalsifiable: It can’t be proven wrong.
  2. Relies heavily on anecdotes: The evidence largely comes from personal experiences and testimonials.
  3. Cherry picks evidence: Uses favorable evidence while ignoring or minimizing disconfirming evidence.
  4. Uses technobabble: Words that sound scientific but are used incorrectly or don’t make sense.
  5. Lacks a plausible mechanism: There’s no way to explain how the claim might work based on existing knowledge.
  6. Resists change: Doesn’t self-correct or progress.
  7. Makes extraordinary/exaggerated claims: Promises extraordinary benefits with insufficient evidence.
  8. Professes certainty: Talks of “proof” and presents ideas with complete confidence.
  9. Commits logical fallacies: Arguments contain errors in reasoning.
  10. Lacks adequate peer review: Avoids critical scrutiny by the scientific community. 
  11. Claims there’s a conspiracy to suppress their ideas: Criticism by the scientific community is a conspiracy

quora link: what is psudeo-philosophy?


Sage: AI bot: response:




reference link: bandwagon fallacy 

main premise - (ideological separation theory)


possible solution: using the scientific method to examine the topic over talking about the subject


reference link: 5+1 method 


Excerpt: 5+1 scientific methods 


 At the core of biology and other sciences lies a problem-solving approach called the scientific method. The scientific method has five basic steps, plus one feedback step:

  1. Make an observation
  2. Ask a question.
  3. Form a hypothesis, or testable explanation.
  4. Make a prediction based on the hypothesis.
  5. Test the prediction.
  6. Iterate: use the results to make new hypotheses or predictions

political philosophy - main 

What is political philosophy? wiki-link


Excerpt -

political philosophy - Wiki-link - main -  History - Ancient India

Excerpt -

Indian political philosophy in ancient times demarcated a clear distinction between (1) nation and state (2) religion and state. The constitutions of Hindu states evolved over time and were based on political and legal treatises and prevalent social institutions. The institutions of state were broadly divided into governance, diplomacy, administration, defense, law and order. Mantranga, the principal governing body of these states, consisted of the King, Prime Minister, Commander in chief of army, Chief Priest of the King. The Prime Minister headed the committee of ministers along with head of executive (Maha Amatya)

Supporting Premise: pro-thesis - separation of ideology

political philosophy - Wiki-link - main -  History - Islam


Supporting Premise- (ideological separation theory)

 anti-thesis - centralized ideology as theology - state as a religion - reinforces the unity of church and state - is detrimental for diversity of ideology - antagonistic - (ideological separation theory)

political philosophy - Wiki-link - main -  History - Ancient China


**fb chat This is closer to my (*personal) position. Taoism advocated a proto-anarchism

excerpt: wiki-link - Philosophical anarchism

political theory - main

What is political theory? undefined 


excerpt - web-link

Political theory involves the study of the history of political thought as well as problems in contemporary political life that have a philosophical dimension. The Princeton political theory faculty, one of the largest in the U.S., has depth in both aspects of the subject.

Main premise - (ideological separation theory)




Main objections - (ideological separation theory)



Contentions -( ideological separation theory)



  1. philosophy and the state
  2. theology and the state
  3. science and the state
  4. Health and the state
  5. Social contract law and the state
  6. Economy and the state
  7. Self-regulation and the state
  8. Administration and the state
  9. Justice and the state
  10. Technology and the state
  11. Diplomacy and the state
  12. Mobility and the state
  13. Education and the state 

What is history political science? wiki-link



who are the founding fathers of political science? wiki-links


excerpt: who: founding fathers of political science 



What are the differences between political philosophy and political theory?
Reference link:



On the Distinction between Political Philosophy and Political Theory

Reference link:


Political Philosophy vs. Political Theory Explained in a Flowchart

Reference link:


see flow chart below


main premise - (ideology separation theory)

**reiterate the inquiry:

main premise  - (ideology separation theory)


Conjecture - (ideological separation theory)

Post-Modern interpretation suggests -

History suggests -

ancient history suggests -


Post-Modern view:

It appears that radical philosophy is a subset of political science, women's studies, critical theory, social philosophy 


Critics who claim pusdeo-philosopher

example wiki-link



what is radical positivism? web-links


what is inductivism? wiki-links



For further study: Additional references:

What is radical philosophy?

Radical Philosophy is a tri-annual peer-reviewed academic journal of critical theory and philosophy. It was established in 1972 with the purpose of providing a forum for theoretical work which was emerging in the wake of the radical movements of the 1960s, in philosophy and other fields. The journal is edited by an "editorial collective".


Radical philosophy:

Political science:

Critical theory: 

Social philosophy:


Beyond anthrocentrism:

Applied philosophy 

What is practical philosophy?

what is social science? wiki-link

what is Category:Sociological theories? wiki-links

sub-categories -

what is social development theory? wiki-links

what is feminist theory? wiki-links

what is positivism? wiki-links

IE- flow chart